I have a TX or a RX error code. What can I do?
I have a TX or a RX error code. What can I do? The definitions for the error codes were researched by installguy. Thanks installguy! TX Code 0 ITUST_NONE: The transmitter is not connected to the receiver. If this state persists over at least 10 seconds, then the system is not properly functioning. If an ITU is present on the system but this message appears, first check the LEDs on the ITU. If neither is flashing, then one of the following is likely the cause. • IRU-ITU cable not properly connected to the IRU or ITU. In this situation, the ITU does not receive power or does not have the communication link established. Please check that the cable is properly connected and secured. • ITU/ IRU version mismatch. If operating software prior to, the ITU version must be less than or equal to 3 • ITU Failure. In this case, the ITU might need to be swapped out. TX Code 1 ITUST_DISABLED: The transmitter has been disabled by the Network Operations Center. This status appe...